Little House on the Prairie: Second Spring (1980)
Season 6, Episode 21
One of my favorites!
12 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of my personal favorites and I think one of the best episodes as the show moves to more Wilder-based story lines. (Almonzo never grows on me and Liza Jane is a nut.) Nels Oleson is one of the consistently best characters on Little House and this episode let's that fact shine. Through the entire show's run, you can count on Nels to either be the hen-pecked husband, the kind man behind the Mercantile's counter, or the man who stands behind reason and compassion in the town. However, we get to see his character do all three in this episode while also carrying the story line on his own. It's a sweet story and one that's long overdue for Nels as we see him with Harriet, Nellie, and Willie. Only Nels can get away with Charles walking in on him with Molly - who is a great character too - and not immediately be seen in a negative light because we're happy for Nells and know that he won't really stray or abandon his family, he just needs a break! And Harriet gets some perspective! Charles sees this too and because he's Charles doesn't shame Nels or tell anyone. I always finish this episode happy - for the story, the love of Nels and the a Olesons, and as a break from Laura going gaga for Manly (ugh...). 😊
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