Landscapers (2021)
"I'm not fragile, I'm broken"
12 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, what a brilliant, original, creative drama. Very un British despite the reviews. Yes, we know the outcome , but it captures a moment or moments/flavours in time using a variety of film techniques trying to get into the minds of the perpetrators of the murders. The performances of Thewles and especially Colman are outstanding, and leave the viewer having a fair amount of sympathy for the real Susan and Chris Edwards. I don't know if that was the intention but certainly Susan's background with her parents was explored in depth and we shall never get to the truth of what really happened and this drama didn't resolve that. Overall an enjoyable series, unusual in its production, deserving of credits for the main actors especially Colman as the "broken" women. Nicely done.
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