A touch absurd, funny and in the end hard hitting
11 December 2021
We, a whole bunch of masked colleagues, watched this in 'Version Original', the French version, with subtitles, which made it so much better to absorb the atmosphere that is set down by the makers.

Absurd, yes, over the top but oh so funny because of it and for those that were in France at the time in many, exaggerated, ways recognizable.

It is a drama as well, not just comedy, the undertone of different people living together apart is so clearly recognizable and more true then many might think it is.

The acting, well, not Oscar winning maybe but who cares, it fits the movie well.

The end, we did not expect that at all, and I won't give it away, but the human side of the whole Pandemic surfaces hard hitting and many had to shed a little tear.

You do not like the idea of watching something about the Pandemic and it being ridiculed partially, don't bother watching and commenting. Keep an open mind, you will laugh, you will cry, all human emotions are in it with a clear message at the end.

Watch It !
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