Review of Gridlock

Doctor Who: Gridlock (2007)
Season 3, Episode 3
Crab Claws & Cat's Eyes...
5 December 2021
A second visit to New New York, New Earth, repeating the one previously made with Rose, which winds Martha up a bit but not as much as being...

Kidnapped and trapped by Milo and Cheen, in a hovercraft type of flying machine, the Doctor unable to stop, intervene, as they vanish below in the smokescreen unseen.

There's more than static traffic down there however, as pincers pop up and make you disappear, but the Doctor drops down, wearing a serious frown, then a cat in a habit, a curious gown (for a cat). Finally, it's time for the good old Face of Beau to see what he can conjure up.
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