For Expediency Purposes...
1 December 2021
The show-down didn't have to happen if they used the damn Spore-Drive to take the ship to the Gama Quadrant "temporarily" until the suit was ready. Jump back when ready and then exit the timeline. Sorry but having a massive battle for a TV show isn't sexy or interesting. Star Trek isn't Star Wars. ALSO, the fact that Sarek came to say good bye without informing Star Fleet to send more ships is STUPID! Why does Section 31 have some many ships in it's inventory? Discovery's computer system is more capable than a dedicated Science Vessel or a planetary based system? They had plenty of time to negotiate with the AI for a proper purge for a safer location.

I'm just venting because just like JJ, this series has shattered the original timeline and the Prime Directive and it hurts.

I wish they would have created this universe as close to canon as possible with only few tweaks.

6 because I will continue to watch because it's watchable, like watching a train accident, plus the visuals are solid. Hopefully, future episodes will give other crew time in the spot light.
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