The Flash: Armageddon, Part 3 (2021)
Season 8, Episode 3
8.5/10 or an 8.6/10 really
1 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode began a bit slow mainly because of cecile. Her emotional reaction to Iris when iris wanted to investigate Joe's death was TOO much. I understand that it must be traumatizing and even more worse to be an empathy in this situation if you consider the fictional logic. But it's very irritating to see her crapping about her emotions on and on. I don't like cecile as a character in this show, so hence I might find her irritating, but those of you who have a positive or neutral view of her may not.

Anyway now to the good stuff... Barry initiated the injustice protocols(pretty cool) with black lightning. So Jefferson needs to take away Barry's powers as per the protocol. Most of Barry's speed are taken away. Meanwhile iris and allegra investigate joes death and iris takes Deon's help. They find out that Joe died due to some timeline changes. Cecile locates Barry in the Hall of justice and iris and deon arrive there. At the same time a Flash vs Black lightning brawl takes place which was epic. Despero also arrives and tries to kill Barry but Jefferson slows him down to make sure Barry runs into the future to see who really causes Armageddon when iris tells him about Joe.

And now the ending...... Those 3 minutes really shot these episodes rating from a 7 to an 8.5 for me. Barry finds thawne in 2031 at a party with a "twist" .Probably the biggest twist I have ever seen...... I won't spoil that, but despite most of this episode being on a bit of a mediocre side, I still have good expectations for the next episode because of that ending. Hopefully the next episode won't have the mediocre elements(like cecile)of this episode.
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