Review of Impulse

Impulse (1974)
Not that bad, really
30 November 2021
Honestly, I don't think this movie is all that bad. Shatner is a clown, but he's a clown who always goes all-in and isn't (or at least wasn't back in the 70's) shy about jumping into edgy roles. I bet a lot of the folks bashing him for this film actually like Star Trek so what can you say about that? I never liked that stupid show. The basic plot of Impulse has been used many times before: a stranger charms his way into a family missing a parent and every one loves him or her except one person who figures out he/she is a stinker and no one wants to believe that person. Personally, I think the film does a much better job of fleshing out the bad guy's psychopathy than most of these sorts of films and the character of "Tina" (the one who catches onto the scam) is also better developed and more entertaining than most. The other characters are cardboard. Not a masterpiece by any means, but better than what a lot of the reviewers on here are stating and worth a watch even if you need to question why anyone with any brains would hand over $10K in CASH to an "investor". Like a stock broker can't cash a check?
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