Review of Clerk

Clerk (2021)
Stay Silent, BOB!
28 November 2021
When you take stock in Kevin Smith's career and weight his failures along side his innovation and success, the former wins in a big way. I never understood the so called genius of Clerks. I think it was exactly what this documentary made it out to be. A couple people saw it, liked it and everyone jumped on the bandwagon, than Mallrats revealed the truth that Kevin still struggles with today. He got lucky!

There was a beauty in Chasing Amy and despite it mostly flying under the radar, it showed a gifted writer who was able to create great works when he gets out of hits own way. That writing showed in his involvement with Good Will Hunting. Unfortunately, Kevin leaned too hard into his relationship with Ben and Matt and put the literal God Awful Dogma on screens.

He told an amazing tale in Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back and everything since has been a downward spiral. I think the dark side of this documentary is the fact that you start to see that Scott Mosier was more than the battery that powered View Askew, he was the magic!

Since Scott left, everything has been horrible and everything produced has been some form of weak knock off or attempt at someone else's work. Despite how happy Kevin is to be working with his less than talented daughter, she is basically the Tori Spelling of his empire. She only gets work because of her dad and even though she got the gig with the Quinten film, it was a result of his relationship with Kevin. So when Kevin brags about how well she's doing, take away all the terrible work they have done together, I would assume her voicework from He-Man is what keeps her mortgage current, if not parental support.

Great people do great things and when Kevin got a true Hollywood budget he blew it. Cop Out was a terrible film. Sure you can blame Bruce, but when you watch the film, nothing stands out as amazing. I think he got decent funding for Zack and Miri and he blew that also.

The fact that Marvel hasn't tapped him to write or direct tells me everything I need to know about this Comic Book Man. I like Kevin, I think his contribution to cinema is significant, but I think it's in the form of mentorship, production and marketing. I get nervous every time I see a new Kevin Smith trailer. When you have the lowest expectation of something and it still disappoints, that is a problem.

This documentary, is also mediocre at best and when you consider that Jason Mewes' wife produced it and everyone involved is a friend, it's just clear that he surrounds himself with unqualified filmmakers, actors and producers.
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