not as bad as I remembered it
28 November 2021
I watched this after many years and to re-see the Craig Bonds after his final bow, which I found so disappointing. This film grows on me. I realize the part of it I hated the most, the plot line concerning a corrupt general whom Kurylenko must kill from revenge, and the showdown at a strange hotel in the Bolivian desert, does not outweigh the film's considerable virtues. I forgot how lovely an actor Giancarlo Giannini is, I found his cameo actually rather beautifully done. Gemma Aterton is actually a very good Bond girl #2. Dench is excellent no surprise. So are Kinnear and Jesper Christensen and Wright. All excellently cast and I realize Christensen did an excellent job of creating a new character in the Bond universe, one that Fleming did not author. Kurylenko is better than I remembered and actually this might be one of her most sincere performances. Amalric I forgot is a first rate actor and excellent if understated villain. Finally there is Craig himself, and he really is a first rate Bond and nicely maintains the continuity from Casino Royale. Action is first rate for the most part. The overall plot line of a criminal organization's attempt to control clean water, seems especially relevant and prescient now and probably one of the more believable threads in the Bond movie-verse. So I would give this Bond film another look, it ages well.
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