The Last Rite (2021)
Misleading poster klaxon!
26 November 2021
I'm not 100% sure what I was expecting after seeing the poster...but it wasn't this!

It's more of a TV drama with a hint of horror, than an actual film.

It looks like one of those 2-part dramas that you see a lot on BBC One and ITV. In fact, my gf walked into the room while I was watching it and said "what channel is this?".

The sound, lighting and cinematography make the film come across very amateurish. It's very unpolished.

The acting is mediocre at best - the only person that was convincing as an actor, was the priest...everyone else seemed like this was their first gig.

Full of horrible and unlikeable characters, (especially Ben the boyfriend). He seems to switch his mood from loving and caring to abusive and disrespectful in the blink of an eye...very annoying. Plus his acting was sub-par, particularly when he was shouting. Lucy's friend acts like a random person that they literally grabbed off the street moments before filming...she was awful...couldn't act her way out of a wet paper bag. Her acting was so bad, that she ruined the scene...and it kills the suddenly become very aware that you're watching a film.

IDK...the poster gave me pure demonic possession/exorcism vibes...and i was looking forward to a film dedicated to that...but that's not what I got, there was hardly any.

Not the worst film I've watched this year, but definitely somewhere in the mix. Very disappointing.
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