I can understand why "Simon and Simon" beat this out
22 November 2021
I saw one of the episodes of this show recently on You Tube. When "The Duck Factory" was first broadcast on NBC in the summer of 1984, I was watching "Simon and Simon" on CBS, which was on against it.

Glad I stuck with "Simon and Simon" then (which blitzed "Duck Factory" in the ratings). Like "Paul Sand in 'Friends and Lovers'" and the two Newhart "comedies," this was yet another of MTM's exercises into the dumb and ultimately *soporific.* If Disney (which now owns 20th Television, who succeeded to the MTM shows when the latter company went out of business in 1998) was smart, they'd *burn* the film elements of this sorry "comedy" and then this dumb show would be *lost* forever.

At least Jim Carrey went on to *much* better things, beginning with "In Living Color." I liked his performances as the Riddler in "Batman Forever" and as Dick Harper in the remake of "Fun with Dick and Jane." Now *those* were funny.
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