The Wheel of Time (2021– )
Not for fns of the book
22 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well I'm just into the first few episodes. I can see now that Amazon has decided that the great series that Robert Jordan created wasn't good enough for them.

They decided that it needed to change a bunch of stuff. Perrin was not married to someone in the two rivers. Matt was not a thief. Rand's mom was dead already. Tam was a decent man and a good father.

The source isn't made dirty by the touch of a man. And a whole slew of interactions between characters that never happened and that was just in the first episode.

It's like listening to someone tell the wheel of time story that doesn't really know it and just makes up stuff.

I am trying to take it on it's own merits. The acting is fine. The show looks good. But it's NOT Jordan's Wheel of time. It's Amazon stealing ideas from a great book and making up their own story for reasons.

Whether they were just not talented enough to bring Jordan's wheel to the screen or they wanted to be "WOKE" or whatever reason, they just didn't stick to the book at all. The main four characters from two rivers are portrayed much older and worldly than they were in the book. I expected them to add in some spicy scenes for the same reason hollywood always does (yes I know it's amazon, the reference is to all movie makers) but it felt wrong because these were young naive almost children.

The problem is they take a great story with a huge fan base and then make something that fans of the book will hardly recognize. I kept waiting for that moment where I would go "oh yeah, I loved this part of the book" but it just isn't there. So many wonderful scenes and events that are already missing makes me doubt if I'll ever see anything I loved from the book.

The dispute over whether this is a good movie I don't think I could honestly say. I was so excited to see the wheel on screen that I can't separate my disappointment enough to give it a fair shake. I am trying tho. I hope all of this in the beginning is just them trying to set up a great story quickly to get into the meat of it. Unfortunately, knowing the story intimately, having read all the books thru more than once, none of the added stuff seems to be doing any setup. It's just new stuff for some reason I can't fathom other than the obvious.

I will never understand why these writers/directors/producers choose not to follow the story they claim they are bringing to the screen. I know Jordan would never have allowed this to be done to his story.

So bottom line I can't find any real fault with the acting, writing or the scenery. I also can't seem to enjoy it. I was hoping for the wheel I read not the interpretation of whoever made this. Why not stick to the story. The heavy lifting's all been done. All you had to do was prtray the story on screen and you would have had a major hit. But now you have this. Something that would only appeal mainly to fans of the story and then you just ignored them.

It's like I ordered a steak and got pizza. The pizza's ok but it's not the steak I ordered and was hoping for.
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