Alpha House (2013–2014)
The bad reviews let you know how on target this series was!
21 November 2021
I came across this gem while surfing, and am so glad I did. It was wonderful and really needs to be continued. They needed at least enough seasons to get through the 2020 election and the insane Jan. 6, Capitol insurrection. It is so on target about the utter insanity that the Republican Party has allowed itself to become, in fact it was soft and gentle in comparison to the real idiocy that the GOP has become.

The actors were great as was the writing. It was soft and sharp at the same time with light sarcasm mixed in with the profound truths of the last few years.

The most telling thing about the reviews is that the people who are mad at this series and think that it shows Republicans in a bad light, might need to turn up the electricity because it is the light they shine to the rest of the world. It is also most intuitive, since Senator Peg Stanchion is absolutely the foreshadowing of the clearly 'off' Marjorie Taylor Greene if ever there was one! This insightful work saw the insanity that was to come and the state of mind and foolishness of the GOP post the height of the Tea Party, that led to the election of the biggest crook the country has ever seen, and his entourage of criminals that we are still trying to recover from. They were dead on the money!

One of the reviewers tried to call the writing sloppy and complained that no research was done because it wasn't that hot in Bagram, and they should have used Kuwait if they wanted to make a point about the heat. I had to look it up to see if there was anything to his/her complaint. In fact they are an hour and a half from Kabul, and the temperatures can get up to and above 113 F! I don't know how that person defines 'hot' but truly, that was an absurd statement for those of us in the normal range. All they've done in these silly complaints is fully validate the satire of the series, which is dead on!

Like the film Idiocracy, this brilliant piece of humor needed to be developed further and the messages sent out every single day, so perhaps the warnings of such insanity might be avoided in the future.

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