Please, make it stop.
20 November 2021
No one asked for this. No one. Season one of this show was *chef's kiss.* It appears now that they select 6 random people off the street and say write a scene about the stupidest nonsense anyone COULDN'T imagine and then they go with that. Yes, I get they're attempting to shoehorn in Sabrina and they likely used this episode's ending to give AJ time with his newborn in real life. But newsflash, Sabrina absolutely sucked in its last season so why you want to bring that suckiness into the Riverdale universe is beyond me. Like, season 4 of Sabrina completely ruined the entire series for me. And there were ways to allow for his absence without this drivel you call episode one of season six. Fans are leaving in droves, is that not a wake up?? Rehire whoever you let get away because obviously someone did since this show isn't just going down hill.. it already went down hill, went into the freaking mines in season five and has now made a new hill in an alternate dimension and rolled to the bottom of it. Between this episode and the musicals, I cannot with this series anymore. I gave them some grace because of Covid but that excuse has been cashed and there's no more excusing it. This show that so many loved has gone beyond trash. It has set itself on fire and is now a dumpster fire of its own making. Congratulations.
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