once again ... another plagiarized creative.
19 November 2021
1984 was less then 40years ago.. To expect none of us to know the original movie is ignorance.. WHEN will we start seeing original movies and shows??

The 2021 movie has more action and less explanation than the 1984 movie. The storyline in the 2021 movie lacks structure which could leave viewers (that haven't seen the 1984 movie or read the book) in a state of confusion, grasping for any indication of what the movie is about in the beginning.

I found the movie boring.. partly because I hate re-runs even if they are remakes.. But mostly because the dialogue is very boring and drags in many portions of the movie. I guess if you weren't part of the first production and you don't have enough imagination brewing in your bones you tend to drag out scenes so you can make the time mark you need to sell it.

I still don't feel this movie is worthy of 5 stars but oh well....
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