First Our Gang Nationwide Move Public Saw
18 November 2021
The public knows them today as The Little Rascals. But until producer Hal Roach sold the package of his popular movie series on a group of rambunctious kids to television, the shorts were simply called "Our Gang." From 1922 until its conclusion in 1944 involving a revolving door of childhood actors, the "Our Gang" series was one of Hollywood's more successful and financial profitable enterprises. And it all began when Roach was sitting in his office across from a lumber yard watching several children battle each other over the largest stick. He had just auditioned a girl for an upcoming film he felt was too prepared and wearing heavy make-up, one of the many artificial children he had worked with throughout his movie career.

The contrast between the fighting and laughing kids outside and those he worked with inside the film studios was too stark to ignore. He had a lightning bulb moment to produce a series displaying happy and normal kids being themselves. Roach at first thought a combination of 'kids-and-pets' would be ideal, but once seeing one studio director's effort, he turned to a former Denver fireman-turned director who he knew was great with children to reshape the pilot film. The producer liked what he saw come out of director Robert McGowan's editing room. Roach, seeing McGowan's magic, proceeded to make three more two-reelers over the summer to show at local Los Angeles movie theaters to get both audience members' and film critics' assessments. The reception was very positive.

Roach selected the best of the four films and released "One Terrible Day" in September 1922 nationwide. The initial cast of kids included some of Roach studio employees' and family friends' children. The selected premier was perfect in its frenetic display of the gang's mischievous activity. A socialite decides to sponsor a picnic at the park for what started out as five boys, expanding as she and her chauffeur were ready to leave her house in a car. Mayhem ensues, especially with a pet monkey and a golden retriever running amok.
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