Succession: Austerlitz (2018)
Season 1, Episode 7
Another good episode following in the last one's footsteps.
16 November 2021
Succession is definitely taking a turn in the right direction.

It's funny, because everything that made this episode so great is the polar opposite of what made the last one equally as brilliant.

Here we take a complete backseat from tension or the high stakes that were so key to producing the episode prior. This is a family drama, at its core, and this episode reminds the viewer of that. What it lacks in action or intensity is replaced with a brutal insight into the lives of each family member.

Kendall is shaping up to be the hero of this season, amongst a litter of horribly unlikeable individuals. Is he flawless? No. But this episode certainly propels him further into the hero/protagonist role and, honestly, I rarely want someone to succeed as much as I do him. If not solely for the sake of seeing his father suffer.

I said in the last review - "I hate Logan Roy more with each and every episode" and this episode proves no different. There is a lot to digest in terms of the characters within this universe. There are things I'm certain I'm not privy to yet, but each character seems to be deeply troubled by the actions and behaviour of their father. Even the supporting characters are constantly berated or put down by Logan; he is undoubtedly one of the most unbearable, unlikeable individuals in the history of TV.

I have been waiting for Kendall to have an outburst, to truly tell his father how he feels and this episode came the closest. The intricacies of their relationship are largely unspoken, and come in the form of their body language towards the other (bar for a few abusive Logan outbursts) - and I'm sure that this will soon come to a head.

I can't help but ask the question, if Kendall succeeds - will inheriting Logan's empire destroy him as it did his father? Another fine episode that kept me thoroughly engaged, littered with interesting insights into each of the characters.
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