Petite Maman (2021)
Not really
16 November 2021
I wanted to like this but I'm really disappointed. No, I'm not a blockbusters-only person and no, I don't have have anything against foreign films (Another Round, A Sun, Bacurau and Beasts Clawing at Straws are all on my top-10 of 2020). This isn't just my cup of tea.

I struggled with the a lot! So much than on the 2nd act I was totally tired of it and not even connecting the most basic things on the story. The acting is good, the cinematography beautiful, but...(I hate to read and say this) I was totally bored with the absence of some tension/conflict.

The third act is good, but unfortunately - and probably because I was already totally out of it - I didn't feel any emotional punch. I would like to say that it can grow on a 2nd watch but I don't think that will happen.
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