Very, very, very bad
15 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It isnt often a movie puts me in a bad mood that lasts through the evening and on to the next day, but this one accomplishes that. I liked the first two installments well enough to look forward to this one, but something went horribly wrong. This movie was not only stupid, it was irritatingly so. First of all, Tasha has been married an entire year and no one ever pointed out the proper cutlery to use? She even pointedly asked the question and her husband admitted it. He just let her be embarrassed? Second, once they were in America they stopped at Burger Crave. Unless their engagement was across the street, she could not have had a few bites on the drive over? She waits until she steps out of the car to take a bite of the burger? And when she trips down the stairs, instead of thanking the diplomat who helped her, she instead hugs him like a 5 year old school girl. So not only did her husband not teach her what cutlery to use, he also didnt help her look or act classy.

As far as her brother and the ring... he puts the ring in a cup of tea and sets it down. Seems like he would have held on to that cup for dear life considering what was in it. And the nurse just picked up the cup and started drinking... didnt ask whose it was, didnt check to see if it belonged to anyone, just started drinking out of the cup. And Jeffery looks at her TWICE and never says a word. Did these people grow up in a barn? Finally, for two people whose relationship had moved far enough along to propose, Jeffrey and Bella sure did alot of hugging. Who was supposed to be convinced they were in a romantic relationship?

The hospital room turned into a sovreign state? Only the room? And it did it revert back to America once she left? For the delivery, I've had leg cramps that caused more pain than that delivery. And no way Tasha, who is a doctor, and her obstetrician didnt know she was having twins. Finally, those babies looked extremely big and healthy for preemies. She mentioned in the beginning of the movie that she could travel up to 7 months, so if they were two months early, it was a serious miracle they didnt need any NICU care.

Last but not least, the King was always talking to them on the phone, even when they were in the palace together. And he was obviously green screened or cgi'd in for the baptism. If the actor was unavailable in person, they should have written it into the script.

Tasha was as far from a class act in this movie as could be, and they turned her husband into a spinless wuss. They absolutely have to do a 4th one to redeem themselves.
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