Star Trek: Enterprise: Cold Front (2001)
Season 1, Episode 11
Those trusting, perhaps gullible humans.
11 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
How would you meet others in space?

Seek out other ships, fly up to them, introduce yourself, invite 20 of them onto your ship at once, and have one tour guide as you show them your engine room?

Surprisingly, that works well for Archer. We meet one of the most agreeable captains ever, docile people, and an intruder who saves the warp core from exploding. Well, that intruder also kills a second intruder who was posing as a member of the crew, but overall, a win for the Enterprise.

Of course, it would have been more effective for the either intruder to tell Archer to steer well clear of the approaching storm, but where would the fun be in that?

Why do the writers include things that make you step out of the plot? Maybe it's different for different people. For me, when Archer dons the magic glove that lets him walk through walls, I immediately thought "Ok, how are they going to disable or lose that? Because no way they're going to have that ability going forward. It would ruin so many plots." Then, again, when Archer drops the glove out of the cargo bay, I just thought "how lame." And then they don't even mention searching for it (but failing)?! Simpler if the shock of opening the bay doors throws Archer and his gloved hand smashes into something, breaking it. Then we could see an engineer say "It's hopeless. I can't figure out how to fix this." It was a silly gimmick device that didn't really add anything.

Strange ending. "Seal Daniel's quarters because we don't know what else is in there." (paraphrasing). There would be nothing more important than searching that room before any other time traveler dropped in to retrieve lost equipment.

I am curious. Daniels doesn't have enough detail to know exactly when the Silik arrives but Silik knows exactly when and how to save the ship. Unsure how long Daniels was delivering Archer's breakfast but it seems poor planning and a poor use of his time to wait until the crisis to ask Archer to install a Suliban detector (to detect Silik).

Overall it was a good episode and clearly sets the stage for further time travel adventures.
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