Great visuals, awful sound editing
10 November 2021
Score might've been higher if I'd seen it at home with subtitles on. Great visuals, pretty decent plot movement.

However a lot of the story gets lost because half the dialogue is inaudible as the sound effects are deafeningly loud and painful and the decision was made to have the characters whisper about half the time with a loud score playing or sound effects playing. I'm sure the story would've been great, as Villanueve is a great storyteller, which is why it was excited to see his adaptation of Dune. I understand whispering for performance effect but the dialogue volume has to be increased if the scene is set to loud effects or music. I tore up some napkin to place in my ears, and the effects and percussions were still too loud and painful at times. This is very fixable, as a trailer for the Batman played right before Dune and every spoken word was clear and audible in that trailer, even when set to dramatic score or sound effects. I hope this can be fixed in a re-master and in any subsequent productions.
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