Review of Logan

Logan (2017)
Claw Father
9 November 2021
Much like with Thor Ragnarok, there is a lot of hyperbolic praise thrown at Logan, most of which is undeserved.

Previous two Wolverine movies were terrible and the bar is very low, one can't help but feel there's some overcompensating at work. Throwing words like "masterpiece" is really pushing it. Makes you wonder if these people watch anything other than capesh1t.

A year earlier, a Mel Gibson movie called Blood Father came out with a very similar story, minus the mutants. Now, the accusation of outright plagiarism is unfounded, but Logan, let's say "borrows" heavily from it.

The movie's central theme is a half-baked allegory for growing old and dying, sprinkled with CGI blood. In order to expand on this allegory, the best thing the filmmakers could come up with is for Logan to fight a younger clone of himself. The intent is obvious, but the result is underwhelming and anticlimactic. An honourable if failed attempt to add some depth to a movie about a guy who has retractable claws in his knuckles and who can heal himself almost instantly.

The primary antagonist Donald Pierce, played by Boyd Holbrook is the weakest part of the movie, he doesn't have enough screen presence and his performance is forgettable. The director probably didn't want anyone to overshadow Jackman, but a more memorable villain would've added instead of detracted from the storyline.

The last hurrah for Hugh Jackman's Wolverine, until Marvel Studios decides they want him to reprise the role.
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