Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Touché (1959)
Season 4, Episode 35
"... would you mind if I called you Dad?"
9 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This entire episode is preposterous from start to finish, made more so by a forced duel between a husband (Paul Douglas) and his wife's lover (Hugh Marlowe), instigated by the dead man's own son (Robert Morse). There might have been a bit more credibility to the story if a reason had been offered for Philip Baxter (Morse) to want to see his father dead. One could point to the fact that Philip was cavorting with Mrs. Fleming (Dody Heath) at the end of the story, but that's a pretty harsh way of taking your own father out of the picture. What I could never understand in stories like this is, if a guy like Fleming was willing to challenge and kill a guy to seek revenge, why wouldn't he do the same thing for the next one who came along? Baxter Jr. Looked even less competent than his old man.

Interestingly, this isn't the only story I've seen in which a man was held responsible for the financial upkeep of a victim's wife and family. In the old TV Western 'The Texan', Rory Calhoun was forced to kill a man who tried to shoot him in the back. His problem was that the widow wanted to marry him! Using a bit of reverse psychology, The Texan wound up getting her to marry Alan Hale Jr.!
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