Not all Korean films are good !
9 November 2021
I love Korean horror films . They have an 'edge' that Hollywood doesn't . . But this film was extremely disappointing. It has everything dumped into it , humour, sadness ,and a feeble attempt at horror . This film has FOUR different stories! . You see one story and set of characters , then suddenly you see completely different characters in a different location and a different story . . Then it switches again to yet another story and set of characters! I thought that perhaps I'd accidentally clicked on to an entirely different film ! . There are directors who have managed to tell different stories in a film successfully . But this director has failed miserably .

The acting is appalling too ! Thie film is just one big pile of steaming horse manure . It's as though some person , with limited imagination has , jotted down all these random ideas and dumped them altogether to make a film .A ten year old could have done a much better job.
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