Foundation: The Missing Piece (2021)
Season 1, Episode 8
I don't even know what's going on anymore
7 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Gaal is gone I guess for 130 or whatever years now and we spent a whole episode with her whining because digital ghost Hari won't tell her the reason for the 2nd Foundation?

Salvor is still in this mindless shootout with Phara and her people only to later find matrix people? (tbf I skip through most of her scenes.)

Then the best part was Lee Pace who felt empathy for the old man dying while walking with him, but he just becomes a total sociopathic Emperor when he reaches the Womb, just so he can make the priestess lady feel bad because she made him feel bad? Then for her to realize robot lady is a robot even though we know she's a robot already so there really was no reveal? Then he has her killed??

What was the point of any of this? I was mostly distracted with Lee Pace looking like a turkey out of the oven for 90% of the episode, so that was funny at least.
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