Lost: The End: Part 2 (2010)
Season 6, Episode 18
They found themselves by finding each other
6 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The conclusion of Lost transcends television. It is tear-jerking, poignant and moving. Something to witness for the first time only once in a life, but it won't ever leave you. The acting is fantastic and the characters are iconic.

I don't know if a lot of people will see this review, as I am writing it in 2021, and the show is over since 2010. Yet, there are still a lot of people discovering this show and experiencing it for the first time. Now, if you are under the impression that our folks were dead the whole time, you are misconceiving. Everything that happened on the island was real and felt by our characters. Only the flash-sideways that started in the Season Premiere (LA X, Part 1) constitute the purgatory time.

On the island, the survivors and the Man in Black come to a head. The plot comes to a close, and it is truly unique, exciting and interesting. The urgency is felt all around. The afterlife segment is even better. It is the small moments like Sayid reuniting with Shannon, or Ben staying outside the church and contemplating his mistakes that make the episode truly memorable, elevating an already awesome finale to the statute of greatness.

Our heroes found each other. Broken and lost, they can finally move on. Kudos to Damon Lindelof and everybody involved for making the ending they wanted and sticking to their guns.

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