Review of Judy Justice

Judy Justice (2021– )
Judy INjustice
4 November 2021
I am/was a HUGE Judge Judy fan and have loved and watched her show for YEARS. However this new show, not so much. The fact that Officer Byrd is not on the show and the way he says he was treated by her is a complete deal breaker for me. Even if I could overlook that fact, what I cannot overlook are the additions of the simpering "law clerk" and "court reporter", one of which is Judy's granddaughter. These ladies add nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing to the show. How much, or rather even WHY, these banal young ladies are getting paid for this is beyond me. Why Judy thought it was a great idea to talk with her granddaughter after the cases is a mystery as well. The only reasonable explanation that I can think of is that the granddaughter has something on Judy and she's blackmailing her to be featured on this show.
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