Crimi Clowns (2012– )
Belgium's answer to the soprano's, with a few notes of Rob Zombie and even David Lynch.
1 November 2021
While i think that this series is most of all a love letter to the soprano's (which you cant tell by the intro alone) it is so much more. It is unapoligeticly Flemish (antwerp most of all), it cares about it's characters. They know how silly they are with there stories butt they'd be damned if they didn't take every single scene seriously. And best of all, everyone's having a hell of a time.

Nevertheless, some parts don't age that well. Writting this in 2021 the way women are portrayed can be compared to a wolf in a butchershop. And the sheer amount of debotchery can be quit sickening. Then again it does fit to the story perfectly and doesn't feel provocatory when you're in the story.

In conclusion, if you like story's that's embrasses darkness and depravity, with great comedy and awesome characters. Definetly give it a watch.
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