Lights Out (II) (2016)
The short film is great, the two hour version is an absolute failure
1 November 2021
Director: Let's make a scary movie. Producer: Good idea, do you have a scary story? Director: No, but we'll add incredible loud noises to each special effect, so the audience will be too distracted to realize that we have no concept about Horror movies at all. Producer: Then better make the sound effects as loud as possible! Director: Okay, the louder the better!

Some horror movies give you goosebumps and send a shiver down your spine, while other movies just give you an heart attack and tinnitus.

Unfortunately Lights Out belongs in the second category and ends up in the long line of modern disaster movies like The Conjuring, Sinister and Insidious.

The only way to watch this movie is to turn the sound off and switch the subtitles on.
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