Destruction Kings (2005 Video)
Video in its lowest form
24 October 2021
I grew up watching low-budget movies. I loved the grittiness and seeing what a filmmaker with a little imagination and an OK story could do with limited funds. With the advent of straight-to-video and the home video market in the 80's, it all went to hell and has been getting significantly worse since the late 1980's / early 1990's with no signs of it ever being interesting again. Now, with radical improvements in technology and affordability, any no-talent jerk can be a "filmmaker", flooding the public with an even lower grade of unentertaining crap and, if you have no idea what I am talking about, allow me to use this film as Exhibit A. This piece of garbage is nothing but a home movie and an inside joke that has no business being foisted on the general public. There is simply nothing good about it. Nothing. The "humor" would insult the intelligence of a 12-year-old, the acting is crap (primarily because none of these clowns are actors), and the "story" is meandering, nonsensical garbage. Unless you were one of the people involved in making the thing, I can't imagine how it could possibly be of any sort of entertainment value.

If memory serves, one of the guys behind this release was involved with the likes of "Chickboxer", which should speak volumes about where this piece of video excrement is coming from. If you have any sense at all, you'll avoid this video like a venereal disease. Just the worst of the worst.
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