I think they need to go back to the drawing board.
22 October 2021
Mmmm i really dont know what to think about the halloween franchise anymore, i just wish someone would take it to another level, and what i mean by that is make it more dark and gritty just like they did with the batman movies, i mean we as the audience should hate michael Myers but instead alot of us are rooting for him, and because of this its taken the horror element out of it, how can you be scared of michael myers when your on his side you know.

I feel this kind of movie should have a sense of dread about it, a real serious feel to it, after all we are watching a movie about a serial killer but it cant be taken serious when the town folk are running around the neighbourhood shouting *evil dies tonight" i mean come on its not the 1700 with people holding wooden torches and carrying pitch forks hunting for witches.

I just feel that these movies are depending to much on kill scenes these days like the final destination movies and less about the story it self, even the quality in the acting has gone downhill in my eyes anyway, and why would you give the lead actress hardly any screen time its bizarre.

Ok rant over im giving this a 3/10 rating and thats because of the kill scenes alone, i thought everything else was just more of the same.
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