I hope Solzhenitsyn did not watch this while he lived
20 October 2021
I have never watched an Ilsa movie before but I got this dvd cheap so I decided to check it out. I'm also not very familiar with this whole prison exploitation genre.

The movie was maybe a bit more serious than I expected and not total tongue in cheek camp. But it it is quite cheesy at times too.

The main concept of a Gulag prison camp was a bit horrifying, especially since I just started reading Solzhenitsyn's "The Gulag Archipelago" book which tells about the actual horrors that happened in those camps. I like violent movies but this topic of prison camps goes under my skin and feels actually a bit bad to watch even if the movie is not realistic at all. But I guess it is in the nature of "exploitation" films - to try and be edgy and cause some fuss. And I'm probably taking things way too seriously, compared to average person who watches movies like this.

As a movie it is not the worst ever. The plot somehow works even if it's a bit disjointed, consisting of two different times and places. The best thing was the numerous nudity scenes which were often quite funny too - Ilsa having wild sex with his soldiers, or some even more random things of nakedness. Some decent special effects in the kill scenes, and an action-packed finale.

So...not the worst movie I've seen but not very entertaining either. It's the kind of movie that is somewhat interesting to see once for curiosity but if you had to watch it over and over again it would be a hell of boredom. BUT if you are a fan of this genre then you will probably like it to some extent.
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