Law & Order: Gunshow (1999)
Season 10, Episode 1
Season 10 starts off with a bang
20 October 2021
A number of episodes of 'Law and Order', and the franchise, have at least one thing that is notable about it (i.e. The introduction or final episode of a regular character, guest stars playing against type for examples. Season 10's first episode "Gunshow's" main interest point is that it is the introductory episode of Ed Green, my personal favourite of Briscoe's partners and became one of the longest serving regular characters of the show (Seasons 10-18).

"Gunshow" is a more than promising first episode for Green, and his partnership with Briscoe went on to be my personal favourite two main detectives pairing of the show (actually got into 'Law and Order' via the late Briscoe and Green period). It is also a great episode of 'Law and Order' and a great start for Season 10, starting off with pretty much a bang with only one thing letting it down in my view. Like a lot of 'Law and Order' episodes, the subject is a controversial one and it is handled very well.

The production values are slick and have a subtle grit, with an intimacy to the photography without being too claustrophobic. The music isn't used too much and doesn't get too melodramatic. The direction has enough taut urgency when needed while giving the case breathing space.

Writing is very intelligent and thoughtful, with the moral dilemmas of the controversial subject of guns being sensitively but not in a sugar-coated way handled. What it has to say about guns is insightful and having seen a number of 'Special Victims Unit' for example episodes where the writers' stance on a certain stance is presented heavy-handedly from one side, it was great to see a firm but not preachy argument that leans towards one viewpoint in particular but in a way where it is completely understand.

Moreover, the story is very compelling and taut. It is not an easy watch and is sometimes sad, but appropriately so. Green makes a very strong first impression, with a well established personality (not always likeable but where his feelings are understood completely) and one would not think that this was his first episode or the beginning of his and Briscoe's pairing, that's how well he and they have gelled already and more so than Briscoe's previous partnerings. His ways of getting to the truth fascinate. The acting is very good all round.

Did feel that "Gunshow" did fizzle somewhat the end, with a too prematurely predictable conclusion. Which was disappointing seeing as 'Law and Order' often delivered on having shocking endings that made one feel something emotionally, including on subject matters on the same level of controversial and tough as this one.

Overall, great. 9/10.
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