Far Inferior to the 2000 Mini-Series
19 October 2021
You can see the production values, the visual megalomania and hear an impressive soundtrack in Villeneuve's remake. That are the good things to say about this movie. This might be enough for the popcorn munchers.

But for those who haven't read the Frank Herbert books or seen the very good 2000 mini-series, it may have become quite clear that the director can't tell a coherent story to save his life. Many cuts seem to be too abrupt, without the necessary bridging, without explanation why the next scene happens at all. "Anecdotes and Pieces from a Good Book" by Villeneuve, is more like it.

And another thing that bothered me was the acting. There are good young actors out there, but Chalamet, Ferguson and Zendaya aren't it. The often lifeless performances with flat emotions, if any, left a lot to be desired.

Conclusion: a forgettable remake.
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