All of America's failings in one giant Wart..
19 October 2021
More dt trash.. I have been so relaxed since this turd hasn't been on social media.. I like not hearing from a whiny toddler every hour of everyday. I love our quiet boring Prez... Not so long ago, "constitutionists" were/are labeled home grown terrorists: get pulled over by a cop and have media found that simply showed interest in our constitution would lead to hours of harassment.

Powerful people want to stay in power and the only way that can be done is by eroding the foundations of any system that limits their ability to stay in power. Regardless of "right"/"left", liberal or conservative..blah blah.. that is a fact.

It never ceases to amaze me that my fellow americans don't trust the electoral system..yet we vote our politicians in and out as we should. What they should be crying fowl about is how politicians can be bought and sold by high power private interests and big money/lobbyists. Our system is not perfect and sometimes the majority votes in someone the individual doesn't like.. But every single American should be pushing back against ANYBODY that attempts to circumvent the law or remove term limits.. Demand reform, demand better accounting. Demand better tracking of big money..but DEFEND the root of the system.... The "great" America of the past..puts the election behind them, gets behind the President for 4 years and gets going.. How any American with ANY sense of history could swallow dt "great america" is scary. The fact that the politicians people don't "trust" can divide them, their families, friends and our nation.. Is a tragedy.. Ask people if "hitler" can happen here and they talk as though it won't.. Yet dt is proof..defacto proof that it can.. This video is testament to American's failure to demand more from those that govern Us..He is our fault.....
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