Keeps you guessing...and you'll guess wrong.
19 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is DEFINITELY worth watching one or more times. It's a good seasonal Halloween movie. A guy meets up with an old friend. He hears voices telling him there is a war coming and that most people have turned evil. He stays with his friend in his apartment for the duration of the movie going back and forth over whether this is real. He even gets calls from the girl his buddy is dating and thinks she's in on it. There are no boring parts of the movie and you're always wondering if it's real or not. In the end, his buddy lets him tie him up since he thinks the war is coming. He lets him do that for trust. The guy almost pours sulfuric acid over his head during his delusion, but at the last second doesn't. And it turns out it was all a delusion.
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