Stormy Trails (1936)
It's just okay...nothing special.
18 October 2021
Rex Bell was a third-tier B-western star whose biggest claim to fame was marrying Clara Bow. And, after seeing "Stormy Trails" I can see why he wasn't nearly as famous as many of his contemporaries. It's not that Bell was bad in the movie, he wasn't, but he also lacked the charisma needed to be a big least in this film.

As for the plot, it's not really like the summary on IMDB. It seems that someone is trying to destroy Tom (Bell) and take away his land. And, surprisingly, they're using Tom's brother in their schemes. They are working hard to make sure the note on Tom's land isn't they want that land...but for what reason?!

There's nothing wrong with this film nor is there anything that really stands out positively as well. A decent but routine that might have been improved with a sidekick or a few laughs.
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