All over the Haddonfield map
16 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I grew up watching the original series and loving it despite all the continuity issues, etc. So i had a big chip on my shoulder about 2018's relaunch, especially when I didn't think it surpassed any of the existing (and now canceled) sequels in any notable way. (Personally, I think H20 is a better "reunion" than H40). But for some reason, I was more open minded about this one. Thinking that, with Laurie's storyline out of the way, we'd get to know and savor other characters, new or returning. Nope. No one was developed. The first act rushed into action way too quickly, shortchanging Lindsey and Tommy and Nurse Marion (who actually got a much better sendoff in H20). Who are they now? Are they married? Do they have jobs or children? We learn nothing about them before they're dispatched or discarded by the storytelling. Then there's the issue of tone - weird quirks in dialogue and behavior (guy in drag in opening, karen in christmas sweater, couple playing with drone inside) that undermine the suspense. Could the gay couple have been any more ridiculous? And wimpy? What is this, a 1994 Michael Bay movie where femme queens get tossed off roofs? And the other characters- god, all their dialogue sounded like trailer lines. Horrible writing. I'm disappointed in this sequel. And could really care less about this series going forward.
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