Foundation (2021– )
Production value alone is enough to keep watching
16 October 2021
After scanning a lot of the negative reviews out there, almost all of them fall into two camps: 1) The series is not true to Asimov's books 2) Political Correctness (as in, gender and racial character switches). As a complete newcomer to Foundation (never read the books), neither of these are a problem, and really shouldn't be if the series stands on its own. So far, the series has plenty of mystery (how accurate, how detailed, is Hari Seldon's predictions exactly ... and does that explain the inexplicable behavior of some of the lead characters). It seems hard for a series to properly represent any highly advanced civilization (see: Jupiter Ascending, the bad Star Wars episodes), and in this case there are some oddities, as in: all of the Cleon's seem rather unintelligent, and simply mean: I'd expect a galactic empire that vast to be simply full of Gall Dornicks instead, everywhere.... but of all the attempts made, Foundation is quite a reasonable attempt. No one refutes how visually stunning the series is so far, and there's not much to complain about in the acting department. Overall, a very high-grade sci-fi jaunt.
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