The Night Owl (2005 Video)
Owls are some of the dumbest birds
11 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The Night Owl may be a tad above average for the Tomb of Terrors box set but that isn't saying much. It's overlong (about 97 minutes) which is the worst crime an extremely low budget horror film can commit. The leisurely pace and lack of horror elements only makes this worse. The story is "epic" and ambitious something to do with Lilith being reincarnated to bring forth the apocalypse. She has a twin sister Eve who we know is good because instead of swearing she says "effin'", dresses modestly and doesn't murder anyone. The twins go off with two other sorority sisters to a cabin in the woods where strange supernatural happenings happen. They are all average looking except for the very pretty Beth played by Jessica Matthews who actually had a decent career after this even having a small role in one of my favorites Dark Queen.

Very little of interest happens for most of the runtime though the girls do spend a lot of time in bikinis. There's some boobs and a couple of sex scenes. The kills aren't especially bloody including a lame one where someone is pushed in a shallow body of water and drowns or something. There's also a blood shower which isn't as effective when the person being showered in blood has dark skin. It's like using a bunch of squibs on a person wearing a black shirt. The ending is a hoot where "ultimate evil" is unleashed in the form of invisible sting rays (thank you lone IMDB review). Watch The Sound of Horror instead for invisible monsters. The devilish ringleader also appears to be an owl, hence the title. There's also a twist ending but at this point you won't care. There's little good to say about this except it at least tried and had girls in bikinis and some goofiness. The credits actually have the nerve to credit a "set genius" and even more brazen a "audio maestro". The soundtrack isn't anything special and the dialogue is either too quiet to hear or overwhelmingly loud so you'll have to keep adjusting it up and down. Not the worst thing the Tomb of Terrors crapped out but overlong and full of wasted potential and poor filmmaking.
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