Unborn Sins (2007 Video)
A serious issue mishandled
11 October 2021
Unborn Sins is a mess of film about a serious topic, the horrific abortion rate amongst the African-American community. They try to treat the subject seriously at first showing the procedure and harassment the women go through and her distress before and after. It also shows the probable callousness of these doctors/butchers who act kind and caring to the patient. As soon as she's gone from the room it's dump the remains in the trash and clean up the room for the next one. I guess they want to scrap and tear them out of the wombs as fast as possible. Be sure to watch the Charlton Heston narrated short film Eclipse of Reason to see the "joys" of a late term abortion. The "man" in her life is even more callous in a hurry to get her scraped so he can go back to playing video games and getting high.

Whatever good intentions this Tomb of Terrors turd may have had is washed away in relentless scenes of people running or doing mundane things while awful rap "music" blares over them. The dialogue is either too quiet or too loud. The supernatural abortion avenger named Bowlegg appears to be played by a short Hispanic wearing whiteface. He's really good at tumbling around and martial arts, his goofy attack scenes are probably the film's lone highlight. The kills are mostly bloodless. At one point there's a character who claims to be the "hand of god" giving a monologue about how precious life is. The filmmakers foolishly let a chicken walk around in the background which is more interesting to watch than almost anything in this film. After almost two hours of being bombarded by awful rap "music" they decide to end the movie with some diversity by playing an equally awful "rock" song. While this isn't the absolute worst thing I've seen on the Tomb of Terrors set it's pretty close, it has lots of failed ambition and an absurd amount of padding. Cut this thing down to 70 minutes, focus more on the goofy killer and add some decent gore and it could have been a *1/2 film.
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