Heels: Double Turn (2021)
Season 1, Episode 8
SPOILERS AHEAD - Great ending!
10 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Solid episode throughout its runtime. I must admit however that I have been patiently waiting for some in-ring action, and this episode delivers.

The Wild Bill sub plot cracked me up & I did not expect him to alter the match, but more on that later.

Since the end of last episode I didn't want Gully to retaliate, just take the L & call it a day but it was fun to see the bros tackle their way outside of the arena. Gully's presence in the fair felt rushed and unnecessary, though it was hard to avoid given Jack's involvement in the latter's show. Turns out it also had an impact on the ending as they started to rile up the crowd to and get them cheer for Jack as some kind of a highjack tactic. It sure got in Ace's head, who despite his efforts to turn face, fails. It should also be noted that Gully also handed some kleenex to the crowd to screw up Ace's turn.

Jack on the other hand comes home to empty beds, while Staci stayed over a friend's house with their son ahead of her Rodeo National Anthem performance. Alison Luff is a great singer, so the singing part was definitely a joy to watch. Her acting was on point too during her talk with Jack, which definitely reinforces the idea that the couple are indeed going through a rough patch. Jack is often alone & sad about the whole situation with Staci, but also because he tries to tell his brother about the kleenex from the first match, which keeps being interrupted (until the match). Anyways, the arc is good. The ending, which I was very skeptical about, sunk in as time went by. I am curious to see what they do in the next season with Ace & Jack. Jack could well be on his way to becoming a face. Ace is certainly going to continue being a heel, especially after he legit attacked his brother in the ring in front of 10 000 people. I am especially curious to see what they do with Crystal, who is now the DWL champion as she stepped in for Wild Bill who pooped his pants (yeah seriously).
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