Review of 2040

2040 (2019)
Four stars for good intentions, but I hated the tone and presentation
9 October 2021
I guess good intentions will only get you so far, because this ended up being pretty painful to sit through in the end. Some ideas presented were neat, but the presentation is distractingly glossy, and all the green screen stuff used during the interviews was distracting.

Something about the director rubs me the wrong way too- I just don't like listening to him or watching him. Maybe he comes across a bit condescending, or naive, or both?

Just about everything that was wrong with his movie about sugar is as bad or worse here, and I was hoping this would be an improvement.

Also: not the movie's fault, but 2020 went ahead and made the future even more complicated, so good luck getting those apathetic about climate change in 2019 to care nowadays, just two years later...
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