Dave Chappelle: The Closer (2021 TV Special)
"beyond comedy" "I just miss old dave when he just told jokes"
9 October 2021
"If you didn't like that special then you don't understand the art of comedy" "Most people missed the point of the special" "opposite of being woke if you don't understand or think Dave isn't funny" "You folks just don't get him STILL?" "He preaches gospel" "beyond comedy" "Funny & insightful" "Eulogy for his friend" "Hilarious!!!" "Master storyteller" "Heartfelt" "killed it as usual!" "Dave is the GOAT and the set was a brilliant multi layered masterpiece" "Facts".

After watching Double Toasted's review I had to watch The Closer. All of these quotes come from there and I have never seen so much gaslighting before in my life. "Dave is just too loved. Celebrity worship is real." For starters, I used to be a huge fan of Dave. I still love Half Baked, his show, and just watched Killing Them Softly again. I laughed over and over again. I have not enjoyed him after he came back from Africa and even fans admit this is one if not his worst. I really did not want to give this a 1 but I didn't laugh once. Not once. One smile, 1/2 smile and two thoughts of "oh that was funny" but not one laugh. I also did not find anything enlightening or worth my time. The only reason I watched this was so that I could understand the commotion and honestly review this. I know this is going to be buried by downvote and most won't even read this but if your interested I'll leave you with some negative quotes. Take care.

"Dave Chappelle has long since stopped focusing on being funny and been more of a life lessons type of preacher" "I felt like this special wasn't for me" "Beating a dead horse" "30 mins in he's not gonna get off the LGBTQ" "feels like he's running out of material" "attracts a lot of trash people" "smirked once or twice during his special" "intentional filler" "weak from a comedy standpoint" "weakest he's ever done" "The last half elicited more applause than laughter. Applause is just approval, you have to really work to get laughs."

"The retrospection of this stage of comedy will be known as the cringe age. Where there's no actual jokes but you have to laugh anyway because if you don't you will be identified as being apart of cancel culture. Cringe, venting, unfunny rants. Netflix killed the comedian."

"George proceeded to go on one of the biggest late night shows, call it out, and then killed it for 10 minutes without using a single swear. That's why I'm not sure I can rock with Dave anymore."
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