More like..."What the-!?!"
8 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, very few people would've been more excited than me at the prospect of when this show is coming out. As someone who had read many of the original issues, even at the time that they were published, when I was a kid. The concept of "what if?" always intrigued me and stimulated the imagination.

As I said in another review, the great thing about the original books was that they were usually grounded in some sort of character decision or connection to the current reality that had existed in the Marvel universe. What we are treated to here instead, is an attempt to fit what appear to be disconnected realities into a framework that was going to force the finale of the first season that couldn't be avoided. I don't want to spoil everything, but I will say that bringing together all of these multiverse characters after telling disconnected stories felt so forced and contrived that it wasn't even enjoyable. It was like watching one of those "pitch meeting" videos where you're thinking for yourself: "oh, of course now the zombies have to show up."

I just don't think that these guys really understand what the whole point of a what if storytelling concepts should've been. Not everything has to take directly back into the building of the multiverse for some bigger pay off at the box office.
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