The F.B.I.: The Replacement (1971)
Season 6, Episode 20
Good but with the usual glaring plot problem in similar episodes.
6 October 2021
I love watching reruns of "The F. B. I."'s a really good show and holds up well decades later. However, there is one thing I have noticed about a few episodes. They use the same ridiculous plot that really doesn't make a lot of sense.

The story begins with authorities capturing a communist agent at the airport. Erskine's plan is to substitute for this man and infiltrate the spy cell. To me, this is THE weakness. Erskine is supposed to be a top F. B. I. Agent and has already been involved in dozens of espionage surely the spies would know who he is or very easily find out who he is. Had the show had some new agent take the case and infiltrate, it would have worked.

Despite this obvious problem (especially since Erskine posed as Soviet agents many times already), it is an enjoyable episode and does its best, oddly, to humanize the enemy. Worth seeing...just kind of weak.
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