Review of Mom

Mom (2013–2021)
Very conflicted.
6 October 2021
There are parts of the series that I love about the show: mainly Allison Janney.

It was bad enough when Anna Farris was just playing her old annoying self (once you notice her motioning endless with her hands spread entirely open, you can't unsee it - it's basically her entire character)

I was mad that she bailed at the last minute, leaving the rest of the cast and crew in the lurch, but it actually didn't impact the show - if anything, it got better without her annoying, selfish character. Nobody works the program that hard and long and is still a see you next Tuesday to everyone they know (while happy to hop in the sack with everyone they don't know). Now I'm just mad that egomaniac Chuck Lorre cancelled the show just because Anna left. I'm sorry; but ratings couldn't have dropped that quickly, and everyone I know has voiced that Anna was the weak link in the show, and if anything brought it down.

You just never wanted to root for her. She was more obnoxious than endearing. And I don't want to judge or shame anyone, but she made the cast of Sex and the City look like nuns. But i think that's more just Chuck Lorre objectifying women and having absolutely no class.

The nail in the coffin; however, was not Christy's disappearance, but expecting us to believe she got a full scholarship to Georgetown Law School. Her poor use of grammar was like nails on the chalkboard to me, and her essay alone would have disqualified her from any sort of merit based assistance. They actually telegraph this point by the fact she has no concept of time zones.

I'm sorry, someone like that doesn't get a full ride to a prestigious graduate school. Especially when she couldn't get into law school period on her first try.

I get they were trying to wrap up her story line and explain her abrupt exit, but let's keep things believable.

It's bad enough that the histories and backgrounds of each character changes and conflicts - was Marjorie a hippie who dropped out of society and lived on the streets, or did her husband kick her out around the same time she would have been living in Golden Gate Park and getting tabs of acid from Jerry Garcia. It switches from her being a heroine addicted bank robber to an alcoholic who was passing out on the sidewalk before she could get her son on the school bus.

I get that she could have done both, but not in the time frames they've allotted. Especially with the mug shots and other old photos they use during the opening credits over the years. The fact is they just got lazy and hoped nobody would notice.

What can you expect from the dirtbag who brought you 2 1/2 Men - the epitome of what's wrong with American television. I swear, just looking at Chuck Lorre makes me want to use lice shampoo.

If he truly is sober, he's not working the program. I came dangerously close to relapsing, and was watching reruns of the show, and they make their stories so severe, I sat there thinking, "my drinking NEVER looked anything like any of these women are describing. I never passed out on my lawn or showed up at important functions, dressed inappropriately...."

If you're going to try to be a beacon and shine a light on a national problem, do it honestly. It does more harm when a person who is in denial can say, "I was never like that. Guess I don't really have a problem."
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