Arde Madrid (2018)
Interesting and attractive series , being brilliantly photographed and splendidly played
5 October 2021
In Franco's Madrid in the early 1960s, Ana Mari (Imma Cuesta) is a naive soul who in the Sección Femenina organization teaches young ladies how to be good homemakers and mothers , so when she's assigned by a superior official (Carmen Machi) to work at Ava Gardner's (Debi Mazar) home to spy on her for the Francoist government, she doesn't think twice . However , she and Ava's chauffeur Manolo (Paco León) must impersonate as a married couple , and Manolo is Ana's exact opposite : a swindler always attempting to make a buck on the side ; plus , Ava's liberal lifestyle is the exact opposite of Ana's own moral code . Thus , Ana Mari is in for quite a ride ; whether it's the Ava 's all-night roaring parties disturbing their neighbor , Argentinian dictator Juan Domingo Perón, of his cherished sleep , or bringing a wasted Gardner back to life after nights danced away with the local Dolce Vita crowd at Madrid's hippest clubs . That's why the bustling parties hosted by Ava Gardner cause growing tensions with her downstairs neighbors : General Juan Domingo Perón (Osmar Núñez) and wife Isabelita Perón (Fabiana García Lago) , recently exiled from Argentina . In all the turmoil, Ana Mari barely notices how she herself is changing and really begining to fall for that nutty , lightheaded Manolo.

A nice and compelling dramedy series dealing with life in the Francoist period and especially about Ava's liberal lifestyle and whose stay in Madrid inspired this production , but she's the exact opposite of starring's own moral code , along the way , Ana Mari/Imma Cuesta must pretend to be married to hustle , crazy Manolo/Paco León . However , the opposite roles gradually and ultimately lead them to an intimate relationship between them . Adding other charming chracters as the young maid Pilar stunningly played by Ana Castillo and the schizophrenic brother Floren magnificently interpreted by Julián Villagran . All of them will serve at the endless parties of the Hollywood megastar Ava Gardner and her circle enjoying in the Dolce Vita reserved for the Madrid elite, noisy parties that create mayhem and chaos enough . Performances are uniformly good as Imma Cuesta as a loyal , conservative woman who's assigned the mission to spy on Ava and Paco León as happy-go-lucky wheeler/dealer Manolo who attempts to take advantage of his position for his dodgy dealings with gypsy clans . And special mention for the American Debi Mazar who looks exactly her , giving an enjoyable acting as Ava Gardner , in fact the latter lived in Madrid in the 1960s before settling in London in 1967 and here played along with Charlton Heston : 55 days at Pekin , produced by the powerful magnate Samuel Bronston . They are excellently accompanied by a very good support cast , such as : Julián Villagrán , Ken Appledorn , Osmar Núñez, Fabiana García Lago , Craig Stevenson , Carmen Machi , Manuel Manquiña, Mariola Fuentes , Carmina Barrios , Silvia Tortosa , among others. Many of them playing popular people by the time , such as Juán Domingo Peron , Isabelita Perón , Lola Flores , El Pescailla, Marisol, Natalia Figueroa , Duquesa de Alba, Carmen Sevilla , Augusto Alguero , Carmen Cervera , Lucia Bosé , Luis Miguel Dominguin, Samuel Bronston , Charlton Heston , Frank Sinatra .....

It packs a lively and agreeable musical score by Ale Acosta , including some songs at the time . As well as adequate and brilliant cinematography in black and white by Paul Esteve . The latter is considered to best one of the best Spanish cameraman who has photographed important films , such as : Intemperie , Adios , Cannibal , El autor , Órbita 9 , Proyecto Lázaro , Alpha , Ahora o nunca , among others . This quirky , unusual , dramatic and funny , at times , series was competently written and directed by Paco León . Paco is a good actor who has played various films as main actor or secondary , such as : 3 Bodas de más , Embarazados , Toc Toc , La Tribu , Dieta mediteranea , Reinas , Sexy Killer . He has also directed a few movies , such as : Carmina o Amén , Carmina y revienta , Kiki el amor se hace and episodes of TV series as Acaros and Arde Madrid . Rating : Better than average 7/10 .
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