Green Snake (2021)
Sex Reversion in Animated Movie
2 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
We all know Green Snake would save her sis after improving her power in Chinese traditional opera. And that's how I predicted the plot would be; at least that was the title of this movie showed us, but this movie has turned the cliché core of revenge into a new focus of relationship between Green Snake and White Snake.

Literature has evolved into a new form of images with words and sounds like ACG (animation, comics and games), movie and television.

The meaning of literature holds within has been diversified by these new forms also.

As a kid ten years ago or as an adult now, I am a big fan of animation all the time. We can hardly see sex reversion in movies, to say nothing of animated movies. In fact, sex reversion is a new concept in novels even these years. It's pretty bold for the producers to make a decision of putting this idea into a sequel.

It's pure and fresh to use sex reversion without adding anything connected with parody. It's natural for us to know or to understand the plot that White Snake was the hero all along. For character set, they were both courageous and kind enough to sacrifice their lives for other people. For lines or fates, they both had something they could not give up, which was obsessiveness. And it was obsessiveness to make them go through metempsychoses. It was a classic Chinese script for love.

In the movie, Green Snake commented that people who do goods to others without power are killing themselves and also others. And she wanted to be a powerful woman to protect herself without any man. But at the later time of the movie she changed her mind and realized that being normal and living in an ordinary life was good enough for them. Some say it's a symbol of feminist movement, but I consider it to be a bigger picture. I think that she has understood the meaning of happiness truly and cherished her life from the bottom of her heart.

Of course you could say she finally admitted hardship was part of life also after all those shits happened.

All in all, she has given her obsessiveness up in the end.

And the ending was really touching. In the end of the movie, after seeing flashbacks for all the reincarnations White Snake had gone through, Green Snake finally learned that even without memories or power, no matter how many years or lives, her sis would fight tooth and nail to look for her and save her.

In fact White Snake and Green Snake are not real sisters; they knew each other and accompanied each other for a long long long time like thousands of years. Eventually they became sisters or something like that. This kind of relationship is hard to be identified or defined.

In history for 'White Snake' and its spread versions, showing up as a male was original in many stories for Green Snake. And for fairy monsters the genders are not even a problem in Chinese legends. In a situation of today's world, you can call Green Snake a fluid gender (not exact in Chinese original stories or cognitions). And in this movie, her sis was the reversion one.

We can see many criticisms online over the positive ones. It's natural for any advanced work which beyond its time. Let's be patient and clap our hands for this pioneering film.
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