Star Trek: The Next Generation: Conspiracy (1988)
Season 1, Episode 24
A Unique Story But With Messy Telling
30 September 2021
The overall story of Conspiracy is quite interesting, and certainly unique, at least to The Next Generation. We are left in the dark for precisely the right moments, and only in the end do we really understand what has been going on this entire episode, which in my eyes in quintessentially trek storytelling.

The special effects and practical effects, while only seen in greater detail in the latter half of the episode, are a bit rudimentary compared to todays standards, however considering that this was created in the late 80's, and for a television show no less, it meets expectations. Even incorporating tricky stop-motion to capture certain movements which would not be easy to do otherwise.

Where this episode is lacking however is in the way it is told. The story is great, but the whole episode feels like it's trying to fill the time with long drawn out scenes, and whole minutes of the episode feel like they should've been left on the cutting room floor, and instead been filled with more interesting exposition or a more dramatic rising action.

All in all the episode is one of the better ones from season 1, and definitely is worth a watch, although as many reviewers pointed out, it does contain some light gore elements, so very young children should probably sit this one out.
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